Virtual Reality and Dietetics Simulation Lab
- Prospective interns have the opportunity to join one of the few dietetic internships that offer virtual reality training.
- The HoloLens2© provides an immersive experience through unique case studies that translate an intern's education into practice.
STARTING IN THE FALL OF 2022 * The Oculus Quest2© provides an immersive experience through Metaverse in our NMSU Digital Twin Campus. Additional VR dietetics case studies will be available in the near future, showcasing unique nutritional diagnoses that translate an intern's education into practice.
Case Studies
Case studies in the virtual reality component of the dietetic internship showcase a large array of patients and conditions. Some of these include patients with:
- Diabetes Mellitus II
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Colostomy

In collaboration with Paso del Norte Health Foundation, New Mexico State University Dietetic Internship Program is a partner of the HEAL initiative. The virtual reality curriculum has been developed by this partnership.
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (Health Foundation) leads, leverages and invests in initiatives, programs and policies to promote health and prevent disease in the Paso del Norte region. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation promotes health and prevents disease in the region through leadership in health education, research and advocacy.

The virtual reality component of the dietetic internship provides interns with the ability to:
- Experience unique case studies
- Acquire clinical hours
- Build confidence in effective communication with patients
- Learn from mistakes before rotations
- Acclimate to a hospital setting
- Gain experience in patient education, improve patient's healthy eating, nutrition-focused physical exams, and analyzing lab values
Dietetics Simulation Lab Overview
- Prospective interns have the opportunity to join one of the few dietetic internships that offer training in a simulated hospital room.
- The components within the simulated hospital room closely replicate a clinical environment.
- The room allows for dietetic interns to gain further experience in developing their interviewing strategies, bedside manner, and professionalism before starting their rotations.
The simulated hospital room component of the dietetic internship provides interns with the ability to:
- Assimilate to a clinical environment
- Practice nutrition focused physical exams
- Engage in role playing activities catered towards developing the necessary skills for clinical rotations, including the demonstration of the placement of nasogastric or nasoenteric feeding tubes.